Varsity, Cambridge vs. Oxford

21 februari 2017 - Cambridge, Verenigd Koninkrijk

Hi all,

First of all, I want to thank everybody for their reactions on my blog, either on this website, or via other social media! It is really nice to know who is reading my blog, and it makes me happy to hear your opinions, suggestions, or empathy!

Last Saturday the volleyball Varsity matches were finally there. The first match started at 10am, but I as was quite lazy, I only arrived around 11am. The second men's team of Cambridge won victoriously with a 3-1 win! My own team played right after, at 12 o'clock. By that time the bleachers were set up and the Oxford and Cambridge people split up, each to their own place. Oxford made so.much.fucking.noice. Holy shit really.. Luckily we could make some noise too! We also got some banners saying 'Kiss my Ace', 'Boom', 'Kill!', or '???'. Especially the last one had me crack up every time again, as some guy put it up whenever Oxford screwed up, haha. Together with a few other from my team we eventually cheered our team to victory ~ whoohoo! At some point I lay my hands on a small drum, which got me really excited. I smashed it so hard I bruised my hands quite badly.. but I guess it led us to a win! After the second teams, the first Blue teams, men and women, played their match. It was impressive to watch - especially the women! - but unfortunately we lost both matches .. goddammit bloody Oxford (GDBO) haha. I will upload some videos!

After the matches, we went for dinner at Bella Italia with a big group of around 40 people, both Cambridge and Oxford. The food was not really impressive, and the main dish was just terrible, but it was a lot of fun anyway. When we left the restaurant however, it appeared some of the Oxford people had not payed for their drinks.. so the last people (including me) had to put in some extra pounds to make up for it, GDBO! I hold you responsible Nienke.. I want my money back.. haha! Well, after dinner we went to (Whether)Spoons with a select few. An interesting experience! There is a carpet on the floor and there are three 'floors'. It was quite busy and the music was at least 10 years old, but the drinks were cheaper compared to other 'clubs' in Cambridge.

At 3am we all went home, and by that time I was also tired of the bad music all night, so that gave me a 6 hours sleep before a league match the next morning at 10 o'clock. We won the match however with 3-1! - after a dramatic first set due to a shared hungover in our team, oops.

This week will be more quiet. But next week I have several plans again so I am happy to relax this week. Trying to set up my experiments again - they failed of course.

Much love! 


3 Reacties

  1. Thea:
    21 februari 2017
    Wat een ratten die Oxford figuren!
  2. Thea:
    23 februari 2017
    Dat volleyballen en de kroegentesten zitten wel snor, nu nog die experimenten. Wat leuk, dat je het naar je zin hebt. Xxxxx
  3. Rob:
    7 maart 2017
    Selas, lees je je uu mail nog?